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God Put A Man

Pickaxe on ground

In Genesis 2: 15 we read that God put the man He created in the garden to tend it. This hit me and I paused for a bit to think about situations in life where God has let things go until He put the person He wanted in place.

There are places, relationships, jobs, churches, companies, and situations that need a person of God. These places are not only in need for its sake, but for the influence it will have on others. Consider the effect a Godly person can have on any general place he or she enters. How about the advice and life style witnessing that could impact a relationship. A job that needs a person of God to influence the leadership and those around. A church that might have lost its foundation and roots in Christ and needs a revival spirit to come through it. A company that needs the owner to be more than just money motivated, but to care and treat his or her people well; so well the employees and their families see a good believer in their life. Or just any situation where Godly, biblical advice and direction will be sought after.

You may be familiar with this type of place. You walked into a situation and find that it needs help. The situation needs someone with a skillset you might not have… yet. It needs the person who God planned to be there. Actually, it needs not only for that person to be there, but to “till the ground” (Genesis 2:5). This means putting in hard work. I recently put sprinklers into my yard. In just that parts we needed to dig up to add the water lines we encountered rocks! Not just regular 1-2 inch size rocks, but rocks that were about 6-8 inches wide and 10 -12 inches long.. and about every 1-2 feet this would happen. Tilling the ground can be hard and you are not always sure of what you will find down there. However, grab your pickaxe and get to work!


I’m not going to assume you are where God wants you right now and you shouldn’t either. Although, if you know you are where God wants you, Amen!

I’m sorry if you were hoping to read this far and then get 10 steps to solve all your problems. If they are out there, they are not in this journal post. However, what is in this post is encouragement to keep on going (or get to where God wants you and then keep going). The tools and resources you need are available. The people you may need for help are available. The wisdom, guidance, endurance, and goals are there for you too! Stick to your basics and keep on tilling the ground!

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